Designing With Web - Part 3: week 1

Remake walking experience for parents using databases

Group 5

Mindmeister conjoint exploration: Mindmap

Project 1: The baby walker


when? where? who? why?

With this revolutionary product, we want to give to parents the maximum of information about their baby. With the baby walker, babies will learn how to walk faster and without hurting himself. it is also a good thing for parents because through the app, they will have a lot of feedbacks from the baby and see he evolves everyday. This product will be released in 2019 online.

Parents will also have information thanks to the complete database which is include in the app and know a lot of information about the health of their baby thanks to a lot of sensors. So this suit is really helpful and will be a daily support for young parents (but also those who know how to carry on a baby).


for whom?

The baby walker will be accessible for every parents who want to buy it. With this product, we should target parents who know how to use technology and those who want some feedbacks about their baby. This market is huge and evolves continuously. Another interesting target would also be babies who suffer from spinal muscular atrophy, a degenerative disease characterized by muscular weakness and paralysis. The app will reinsure parents about this disease and see how their baby is trying his best to walk.

Service offered

what? how?

The baby walker is a connected trousers that collects data. How does it works ? When the baby wears it, and walks, feedbacks are direclty available on the app. a This trousers also have a connected metallic frame that supports the baby's movements and helps him when trying to walk.

The main aim of our baby walker is to help parents to follow the progress of their baby when he's learning how to walk. First of all, parents will have to give basic data about their baby : weight, age, and height for instance. Then the captors of the trousers will collect data when the baby will try to walk. The captors will measure the numbers of falls, the speed and amplitude of movements, and others quantitative data about the baby's capacities. It will give precise analysis and informations to the parents. They will be available to see the evolution of their baby day by day. This will enable them to know if their baby learns correctly and will point out any medical or development problem. The app will send notifications to parents when the same mistake happens frequently and advice them to see a specialist. Furthermore, you will be able to compare inforlmation with other babies and especially his brother and keep the information for later. What's more, the connected metallic frame will support the baby, encouraging him to go for more risky moves, and helping him to learn faster and more efficiently. Since it is connected, it will analyse his moves to give the right and adapted support to the baby.


Web interface

How does your project relates to Web? Describe use cases
On the future website of your service, how will users access your service? Describe scenario of utilisation

We want to use a mobile application running on iOS and Android for this project. The application will give a lot of relevant information to parents through a modern and clear design.

Parents will be able to fill data about their baby into the app : name, age, weight. The suit will have a GPS, so it'll be possible to track the baby's movement on a map. The application will say how long did the baby's walked, how many steps he made, the speed, the average cadence, heartbeat etc. The software will generate also an historic of those datas in order to appreciate the baby's evolution through time.
The software knows how a baby should evolve following his age and his performances thanks to databases. Analyzing the data collected and their evolution, the app will be able to give advices to parents and allow them to know if the baby is late, ahead of time or normal. Moreover, if the software detect something anormal, it can alert the parents to bring their baby to a doctor.

To summarize, the app will mainly be composed by a "Profile" zone about the baby, a "Perfomance" zone related to his performance now and before (with a map and the indicators) and a "Advice" zone to controll the good evolution of the baby through different levels. Of the course the app will also tell the battery level of the suit.


List concurrents / relative projects and describe how they relate/differentiate to your project



Project 2: The connected stroller


when? where? who? why?

We want to release a new connected stroller by 2020 in order to simplify parent's life in their daily routine. This stroller is made for parents who are fond of new technologies. That's why we want to relase this stroller first in France and after expand it worldwide. this stroller will be fully equiped and be able to give the baby all what he needs.

This stroller will be really useful for parents so that they would spend more time with their baby in this workaholic world. there will be no more constraint for parents with this stroller, they will be able to run without touching the stroller or having informations about the baby with sensors.


for whom?

It would be particularly relevant to focus on different types of parents:

It goes without saying that the connected stroller must first be implemented in a big city such as Paris, because people who live in big cities are more likely to be receptive to innovations.

Service offered

what? how?

The connected stroller is a brand new stroller that will facilitate the parents' life! Indeed, the stroller will detect the movements of the parent and follow him backward and forward. No need to push anymore! The parents can even go running, the stroller will follow! Of course, a manual mode is available. It will turn our connected stroller to a traditionnal one.

The connected stroller also comes with many other options. First, the music played and the temparature inside the stroller can be controlled. Then, it comes with a bottle warmer. Finally, a camera inside the stroller enable watching the baby from the parents' smartphone.


describe the universe around your service by creating a mood board and name your service accordingly

Web interface

How does your project relates to Web? Describe use cases

For this project we want to delevop a platform with a user-friendly mobile application running on iOS, Android and connected watches. The stroller will be connected to the device and detecting his presence during the movement of the parent. Through the app, the user will be able to control a lot of things.

First, the user will have the choice between 2 modes (automatic or manual) and he'll be able to change easily through the app. The app will also allow to control the speed of the stroller, the sensibility, see its camera, control the temperature, activate the belt and the coverage, localize it, play some baby's music and see the remaining battery.
Even if the baby has to stay under surveillance in the stroller, there will be some security functionalities. Some detectors on all sides of the stroller will be able to stop it and ring the parents through the app if its approaching an obstacle. Other alerts like for temperature when it's too high or too low for the good health of the baby, automatic regulation of the speed and braking action in case of a downhill for example.


List concurrents / relative projects and describe how they relate/differentiate to your project

